Co-Parenting Solutions
Families Seeking Answers to the Conflict of Divorce
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Cooperative Parenting?
How does Cooperative Parenting Work?
What is a Parent Facilitator?
What is a Parent Coordinator?
What is the difference between a Parent Facilitator and a Parent Coordinator?
Is the process confidential?
When can a case be referred to Co-Parenting Solutions?
What is the time Commitment?
My divorce is very stressful, which program should I be in?
How do I get started?

What is Cooperative Parenting?
Cooperative Parenting is a solution focused coaching approach for parents going through a divorce. It confronts the parents actions and non-actions that contribute to a child’s stress. Cooperative parenting finds solutions to the practical problems and issues that parents struggle with.
How does Cooperative Parenting Work?
Cooperative Parenting puts the emphasis on the child and seeks to find a way that he/she can grow up in a home environment relatively free from the devastating stress of being caught in the middle of parental conflict.
Cooperative Parenting is solution focused. We get down to the basics of problem solving in the case… Questions of: How do you communicate? How do you do exchanges? How do you approach the holidays? How do you deal with school report cards and sit peacefully at soccer games? The program teaches parents new skills so that they do not continue to act out the same mistakes.
What is a Parent Facilitator?
The role of a Parenting Facilitator is to work as a neutral party while assisting both parents and any significant others in resolving conflict in a manner that is beneficial to the child(ren). The Parenting Facilitator Mediates, Monitors, Educates and Refers to additional services as needed. Parenting plans are addressed in the cooperative parenting approach. In addition, the Parenting Facilitator is available in the future to assist the family as a means of addressing conflict and avoiding future legal costs.
What is a Parent Coordinator?
A Parent Coordinator is a neutral third party appointment by the court to assist parents in resolving issues related to parenting. The focus is on identifying a parenting plan and a dispute resolution process to minimize future disputes.
What is the difference between a Parent Facilitator and a Parent Coordinator?
Both of these roles help co-parents to identify a parenting plan and assist the family in dispute resolution to minimize disputes in the future. However, the Parent Facilitator has a great scope of responsibility in a case. The facilitator may report to the court and be called to testify, can give referrals as needed and can be available in the future to the family until the child is 18 to deal with any future conflict.

Is Parent Facilitation confidential?
Parent Facilitation is an appointment by the court and it is not a confidential process. The Parent Facilitator can be called to testify and report to the court.
A Parent Coordinator may not produce records or testify in court.
A Parent Coordinator may submit a written report to the court if ordered by the court and may only provide an update regarding the status of meetings.
When can a case be referred to Co-Parenting Solutions?
The courts may order the parties to Co-Parenting Solutions for either Parenting Facilitation or Parent Coordination anytime during the court process or at the completion of the divorce.
What is the time Commitment?
If you are referred for either Parent Facilitation or Parent Coordination a minimum of 2 appointments per month are necessary at the beginning of the process. However, many co-parents choose to come weekly to identify and deal with the stressors in the case more quickly and finish the process in a limited amount of time. As progress is made the appointments will be dealt with in a step down approach. The goal is to get families to a place where appointments can be scheduled as needed.
My divorce is very stressful, which program should I be in?
Co-Parenting Solutions offers a range of services. For the most conflicted cases, we recommend a Parent Facilitator. The Facilitator addresses the parenting plan but also provides additional services to the family in the present and is available in the future. If you believe that you will need the Facilitator to testify in court then you would need to utilize the Facilitator option.

How do I get started?
To begin the process, we need a court order or a Rule 11 agreement outlining the program and scope of the appointment. When the paperwork is ready, give us a call and we will arrange an intake appointment.